Google Docs Journal Templates

The amount of notebooks I've purchased that are now collecting dust is…abysmal, but I think I know how I ended up here.

For some reason, there seemed to be a gravitation pull towards the school supply section at Target. Instead of buying something I needed, I’d grab another pretty journal to jot down everything from grocery lists to recaps of my day. All jokes aside, I‘ve since given up my notebook hoarding ways and switched to jotting down my woes in Google Docs.

Y’all…I can’t believe how much I LOVE this approach.

No more wasting paper, I can add cute emojis, and my wallet is much happier. Not to mention, the customization possibilities are endless. I had no idea you could make such pretty diary Google Docs. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised since I’ve made aesthetic Google Slides in the past. With that being said, I did make my Google Docs journal from scratch to get a nice layout. The templates I found put me to sleep. That brings me to why you’re probably here…aesthetic google docs journal templates.

These daily journal templates are ideal for getting your thoughts down while adding some fun details to personalize the journal docs.

Here’s how to use the Google Docs diary templates.

  1. Click the link below the template you want use.

  2. Click “File” in the upper left corner of the toolbar.

  3. Scroll down the menu and click “Make a Copy.”

  4. Begin using the Google Docs journal template!

Download the Google Doc journal template by clicking here. Remember to click “File” them “Make a Copy” to save the template to your drive.

Click here to use this aesthetic Google Docs template, then click “File” and Make a Copy” to begin journaling your feels.

Download this diary template by clicking here. Remember to click “File” then “Make a Copy” to save the template to your Google Drive.

Save this Google Docs journal template by clicking here. Click “File” then “Make a Copy” to save the template to your Google Drive.


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